Dixons Allerton Academy, Bradford

About this Project:
Dixons City Academy is located in Bradford and has been awarded the title Centre of Educational Excellence.
Originally founded in 1990, the academy focuses mainly on performing arts – allowing it to select 10% of students based purely on talent within the local area.
The academy does repeatedly well in Ofsted reports and carries a recognised specialism in health and science.
Dixons Allerton Academy’s new £29m facility on Rhodesway in Allerton was designed to house 1,886 students aged three to nineteen years.
The new academy incorporates a state-of-the-art energy centre, including the innovative ‘green roof’ which has been created to encourage biodiversity.
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Advanced energy efficiency measures are also in place at Dixons Academy. A Ground Source Heat Pump has been installed which heats and cools the building, while rainwater collected provides water for the toilets. Solar panel installation has will be used to heat water supplies.