7 & 8 Wellington Place, Leeds

About this Project:
Making history as the biggest ever office pre-let in Leeds, 7 & 8 Wellington Place is the new home for the Yorkshire Government Hub, providing grade A office space.
The 378,000 sq. ft. building will be fully let on a 25-year lease, signed by HM Revenue and Customs, and is expected to bring over 6,000 civil servants to the centre of Leeds. The Leeds hub will transform central Government’s estate by accommodating multi-departmental workforces in shared buildings including HM Revenue and Customs and NHS Digital.
The building has achieved BREEAM Excellence & utilised both on site & prefabricated offsite works.
BEMS Description
Working closely alongside our long-standing client Wates, Linear Control Systems Ltd designed and installed the complete building management system across the two prestigious buildings. LCSL collaborated with both ARUP & Wates to produce the BMS design from an early stage prior to procurement, following the project all the way through to completion and then fit out.
The BMS is built up of over 15 main control panels and integrates over 1000 3rd party fan coil units to the Niagara 4 supervisor. Linear Control Systems also designed & installed a 59-zone leak detection system.
The BMS integrates with various 3rd party equipment including the VRF system, Water Metering, Leak Detection Systems, Heat Metering, Electric Metering, ATS, ACB’s, Generators, UPS’s, Natural Ventilation Windows, Under Floor Heating & ActionAir Fire / Smoke Damper Systems.